255 baby turtles released on Kuta Beach

255 baby turtles released on Kuta Beach

255 baby turtles released on Kuta Beach on Monday 22/06/2020 and on Tuesday 23/06/2020 by  the Bali Sea Turtle Society. The  turtle lovers from the Bali Sea Turtle Society relased in totall turtles released was as many as 380 hatchlings of the Lekang Turtle species  from eggs found were some 1700 eggs along Kuta Beach, Canggu, Legian and Seminyak during the pandemic.


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255 baby turtles released

The turtle release  is normally done  in font of many tourists who are this time not present cause of  the COVID 19 virus pandemic.

255 baby turtles released on Kuta Beach

During the  pandemic the rescue process  has not been done  on normal schedule. the Bali Sea Turtle Society normally takes the eggs from the nest every night. With the beach closure the sea turtles can lay eggs now without getting disturbed .Some eggs do get broken or damaged  with the recent storms and  high waves 

255 baby turtles released on Kuta Beach

255 baby turtles released

Source  https://kumparan.com/

Below video turtles relade on April 4 th 2020


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