Australian Teenager Hits A Security Guard

Australian Teenage Hits A Security Guard

Australian Teenage Hits A Security Guard – The trigger was because of the missing cellphone and the perpetrator was secured in the Kuta Sector Police, Friday (11/29). 

MANGUPURA – Cases of persecution involving foreigner have again occurred in Kuta. This time the security guard of a burger restaurant on Jalan Legian, Adni Junus Liu (33) was beaten by an Australian teenager with the initials WZW (18).


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The trigger was because of the missing cellphone and the perpetrator was secured in the Kuta Sector Police, Friday (11/29). Kuta Sector Police Chief Teuku Ricki Fadlianshah, accompanied by Head of Criminal Resort Unit Iptu Putu Ika Prabawa, on Saturday (11/30) at 2:45 CIT. The victim was sitting in front of the restaurant and saw a number of foreigners were striking motorbike taxi drivers because of the missing cellphone.

Furthermore, the victim from East Nusa Tenggara reprimanded the stranger so he would not be noisy at his workplace. “The stranger then went away to look for his cellphone. A few moments later the person came back asking the victim if he saw the person who took his cellphone? The foreigner said the victim worked there”, he said.

Australian Teenage Hits A Security Guard

The victim immediately replied that if he lost it in the restaurant he might know. But if he lost it somewhere outside the restaurant the victim does not know.

However, the perpetrator still forced the victim to be responsible for the cellphone. That’s when the perpetrator hit the victim and hit the face causing a wound to the left temple. For this incident the victim reported to the Kuta Sector Police.

Based on the report, the Optional Team was led by the Criminal Resort Unit 1, Erick Wijaya Siagian, at the crime scene and looking for witnesses. The perpetrator was successfully secured at his place of stay on Jalan Popies 1, Kuta, Badung.

As a result of the interrogation, the perpetrator confessed to beat the victim twice. The perpetrator admitted the beating because he was angry at the victim and his friend’s cellphone was lost around the place where the victim was on guard. “The perpetrator have been secured and undergoing an investigation process”, said Iptu Ika.


Australian Teenage Hits A Security Guard

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Pregnant Woman Hung Herself

Pregnant Woman Hung Herself

Pregnant Woman Hung Herself in Siakin Village, Kintamani District, Bangli – Wayan B hung herself in the condition of 7 months pregnancy.

Resident of Banjar / Siakin Village, Kintamani District, Bangli, Ni Wayan B (32), was found dead hanging in her house on Thursday (11/28) at around 8:30 CIT.


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(Indonesian, English, Dutch, French spoken)

BANGLI – Wayan B hung herself in the condition of being pregnant around 7 months. According to the head of the subsection (Kasubbag) of Bangli Resort Police Public Relations, Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKP) Sulhadi, Wayan B hanged herself and was first discovered by her husband, I Wayan A (35). The incident started when Wayan A left home at around 07.30 CIT to look for animal feed to a moor that is not far from his home. After an hour, Wayan A, who is a daily farmer, returns home. “Her husband returned home after looking for animal feed. Arriving at the house he found the door closed”, he said.

Wayan A opened the bamboo door. How shocked Wayan A saw his wife was hanging. Wayan A tried to provide help by bringing down dependent victim. “The hanging victim was lowered and laid directly on the bed. After that the husband immediately asked for help from the family”, revealed AKP Sulhadi.

Pregnant Woman Hung Herself

Officers identify suicide victim in Banjar / Siakin Village, Kintamani District, Bangli, Thursday (10/28).

Families who come to the location to see the condition of the victim. The victim was already in a state of life. The suicide incident was immediately reported to the authorities. AKP Sulhadi conveyed from the examination conducted by the Pustu Midwife in Siakin Village, I Gusti Ayu Made Budi Laksmini that found abrasions on the victim’s chin and neck due to snare, stools came out from the anus. And it is known that the victim is 7 months pregnant. “From a pure suicide examination, no signs of violence were found”, he stressed.

Furthermore, related to the motive said AKP Sulhadi, the victim committed reckless hanging because there was a psychiatric disorder. If previously the victim Wayan B had attempted a suicide by plunging herself into a water reservoir. “A year ago she had tried to commit suicide, but could be saved”, he explained.

Regarding the autopsy, AKP Sulhadi said for the body Wayan B was taken to the Sanglah Provincial General Hospital (RSUP) to remove the baby in the womb concerned. “This is to remove the baby only. For the bodies have been sent to Sanglah”, he concluded.


Pregnant Woman Hung Herself

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Swedish Woman Died in Kuta Accommodation

Swedish Woman Died in Kuta Accommodation

Swedish Woman Died in Kuta Accommodation – A tourist from Sweden, Pia Monica (74), was found dead in her lodging room Kuta. 

A tourist from Sweden, Pia Monica (74), was found dead in her lodging room on Jalan Padma Utara, Gang Adi, Kuta Village, Kuta District, Badung on Wednesday (11/27) night.


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(Indonesian, English, Dutch, French spoken)

MANGUPURA – Initial allegations, the tourist is dying because of a stroke she suffered. Head of the Criminal Resort Unit Kuta Sector Police Iptu I Putu Prabawa the discovery of the body of Swedish citizen originated from the suspicion of the lodging employee. When passing in front of the room occupied by the victim, the smell of rotten smell. On that matter, the witness knocked on the door, however, the victim did not answer.

Then, the witness and together with several employees immediately forced open the room door. “Besides the foul smell, the suspicion of the lodging’s employees, because the victim had never been seen out of the room in a few days. So they check her existence by forcefully opening the door”, he explained, Thursday (11/28) afternoon.

Swedish Woman Died in Kuta Accommodation

Pia Monica (74) tourist from Sweden.

When examined, the witness found the victim was lying on the bed. The victim’s condition was lifeless and her body had turned blue and gave off a pungent odor. The findings were reported to the Kuta Sector Police for in-depth examination. “After the report, our team immediately checked the location. Including also forwarding it to the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor) and Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Badung for crime scene and evacuation to the Sanglah Provincial General Hospital (RSUP) for the post mortem”, said the former Head of the Criminal Resort Unit (Kanit Reskrim) of North Kuta Sector Police.

From the witness’s examination, that the victim had not been seen out of her room for two days. In addition, the victim’s condition had been sick and has a history of stroke. Therefor, the initial suspicion was due to the complications of the illness suffered by the victim. However, it is currently still waiting for the results of the post mortem from the Sanglah Province General Hospital. “If the initial suspicion is due to illness. This is reinforced by the results of the crime scene that did not find any signs of violence on victim”, he concluded.


Swedish Woman Died in Kuta Accommodation

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Police Search For Bali Viral Gang-bang Video

Police Search For Bali Viral Gang-bang Video

Police Search For Bali Viral Gang-bang Video – The video allegedly involved three men and one woman allegedly made on the Island of the God.

Denpasar – A sex gang-bang video goes viral by WhatsApp group in Bali. The video allegedly involved three men and one woman allegedly made on the Island of the God. The police moved to browse the video.


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(Indonesian, English, Dutch, French spoken)

The video footage that circulated lasted 40 seconds. A woman is seen talking to a man lying in bed. The two talked. The man who did not show his face was heard talking with a Balinese accent. Next to the man also lay a man who was also naked.

A man who was seen behind the woman was also bare-chested. The man behind the woman was the only man whose face was clearly visible.

Police Search For Bali Viral Gang-bang Video

There was music or television shows in the room used by 3 men and 1 woman whose identity was unknown. The light in the room also looks dim.

Contacted separately, the Director of Special Crimes (Dirkrimsus) Bali Regional Police Chief Commissioner (Kombes) Yuliar Kus Nugroho claimed he didn’t know about the video.

“I need to make sure first”, Yuliar said by text message on Thursday (11/28/2019).

Meanwhile, the head of sub-directorate (Kasubdit) V Cyber-crime Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) Bali Regional Police Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKBP) Gusti Ayu Suinaci said that she had not found any clues from the video.

“There are no clues from the video yet”, said Suinaci.


Police Search For Bali Viral Gang-bang Video

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Tabanan Man Committed Suicide

Tabanan Man Committed Suicide

Tabanan Man Committed Suicide By Jumping Off The Bridge – The victim was I Putu Astawa (47), a worker in a candle company from Riang Delod Sema, Tabanan.

Splashy, suicide by jumping off a cliff occurred at the Gerokgak Twin Bridge on the border of the Banjar Gerokgak Gede, Delod Peken Village (Tabanan District) and Banjar Sanggulan, Banjar Anyar Village (Kediri Tabanan District), Thursday (11/28) night.


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TABANAN – The victim was I Putu Astawa (47), a worker at candle company from Riang Delod Sema, Riang Gede Village, Penebel Subdistrict, Tabanan, who had wanted to crash into a truck before daring to jump off the bridge.

According to the witness, Suryawanto (27), the deadly incident that claimed the life of the victim Putu Asatawa occurred last night around 19.30 CIT. At that time, witness Suryawanto took a motorbike from the east (Denpasar) to return home in Banjar Jambe Baleran, Dajan Peken Village, Tabanan District.

Arriving on the east end of the Gerokgak Bridge, witness Suryawanto saw that the victim was about to crash into a truck that was speeding in front of him. Before that, there were residents who saw the victim Putu Astawa park the Honda Blade DK 8653 HS about 25 meters east of the bridge, before walking westward to crash into the truck.

Because the victim was about to crash, the truck that drove in front of the witness Suryawanto suddenly stopped. Not long ago, the victim Putu Astawa was seen running westward to the edge of the bridge, then climbed the boundary iron. “He (the victim) immediately jumped off the bridge”, said Suryawanto at the crime scene last night.

Upon the scene of the uproar, Suryawanto and several other motorists immediately stopped at the scene, to see the victim who fell into a ravine as deep as tens of meters from the bridge. This incident was also reported to the police. Shortly afterwards, a joint officer from the Tabanan police and Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) down into the crime scene to evacuate the victim.

Tabanan BPBD mobilized 10 Rapid Reaction Team (TRC) personnel to the location, led directly by Head of Emergency and Logistics Section, I Putu Trisna Widiatmika. They jumped in with Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Tabanan and the police to evacuate the victim.

Tabanan Man Committed Suicide

The body of the victim Putu Astawa was immediately brought by Regional General Hospital Unit (BRSUD) Tabanan for further examination.

The victim was found face down on the edge of Tukad Yeh Panahan. This 47-year-old man died tragically in a condition full of wounds, including hip and leg fractures. “The evacuation process lasted for 20 minutes, because the terrain was not too heavy”, explained Putu Trisna.

The body of the victim Putu Astawa last night was immediately brought by Regional General Hospital Unit (BRSUD) Tabanan for further examination. A number of victim’s family appeared to cry hysterically at the hospital. The victim’s wife, Ida Ayu Suci, also cried endlessly. While his eldest son fainted.

According to one of the victim’s family, I Wayan Budiada, the daily life of Putu Astawa lived around the Kodok Market, Delod Peken Village, Tabanan District because he had a house there. Victim Putu Astawa earns his living by working in a Tabanan candle company.

Before he killed himself, the victim was said to have told me about the problem of hundreds of millions of rupiah in debt, because he participated in one of the cooperatives that went bankrupt. The victim also uses his house certificate as collateral in the cooperative. “Maybe the debt problem is the motive to be desperate (suicide)”, said Wayan Budiada at Tabanan BRSUD, last night.

Meanwhile, until last night the body of the victim was still entrusted at Tabanan BRSUD, while waiting to be buried. Victim Putu Astawa who has two twin brothers died forever leaving his beloved wife Ida Ayu Suci and two sons. His eldest son has gone to college, while the youngest is still in middle school.


Tabanan Man Committed Suicide

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Japanese Woman Robbery Case Revealed Part III

Japanese Woman Robbery Case Revealed Part III

Japanese Woman Robbery Case Revealed Part III – Suspect Fahruddin (sitting) after being arrested in Jakarta on Wednesday (11/27).

The Final Part of This Case.


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Suspected robber to a woman from Japan, Mika Hasegawa (38), at Liems House Apartment, Jalan Pura Mertasari IV No.9, Pemogan, South Denpasar District, on Monday (11/25), was finally arrested by the police.

Japanese Woman Robbery Case Revealed Part III, DENPASAR – The suspect, known as Fahruddin (38), was arrested by police at Soekarno Hatta International Airport (Soetta) Cengkareng, Tangerang, Banten, on Wednesday (11/27) in the morning at 4:30 CIT.

The Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the Bali Regional Police, Senior Police Commissioner Andi Fairan, revealed the suspect Fahruddin was a construction worker from Jalan Pelang RT 11 / RW 2, Pelang Village, Kedunggalar District, Ngawi Regency, East Java. Everyday, Fahruddin works as a construction worker across from the Liems House Apartment as the home to the victim Mika Hasegawa.

“It turns out, the victim knows the perpetrator as people who are around the apartment”, said Commissioner Andi Fairan when confirmed in Denpasar on Wednesday. “The perpetrator had planned his action to rob the victim”, said Commissioner Andi.

It was revealed, Monday morning before the robbery, the suspect Fahruddin who was tall and large followed the victim when she returned from taking her son to school.

Arriving in front of the victim’s room, Room Number 8, Floor II of Liems House Apartment, the perpetrator immediately beat and strangled the 38-year-old Japanese woman. It was getting rough, victim Mika Hasegawa tried to escape.

After successfully escaping the strangulation of the suspect Fahruddin, the victim immediately jumped into the vacant land south of the apartment, through a window. As a result, the victim lay helpless in the condition of neck fractures and injuries to her neck. Initially, the victim was allegedly thrown by the suspect from the window of her room on the Second Floor.

According to Commissioner Andi, after the victim Mika Hasegawa fell helpless in an empty land south of the apartment, the suspect Fahruddin immediately looted her belongings. The suspect took 2 wallets belongs to the victim, containing 15 pieces of 10,000 Yen denomination, 5 pieces of 1,000 Yen denomination, 4 pieces of IDR 100,000 denomination, 1 piece of IDR 50,000 denomination, 1 piece of IDR 20,000 denomination, 8 pieces of IDR 5,000 denomination, and 10 IDR 2,000 denomination.

In addition, the suspect Fahruddin also took the victim’s OPO A9 brand cellphone, took the gold necklace, 5 ATM cards in the name of the victim Mika Hasegawa, the victim’s identity card, and license (SIM A) on the victim’s name. All these items were confiscated by the police. “After looting the victims’ belongings, the perpetrator bought City Link plane tickets to escape to Jakarta. The plan was for the perpetrator to head to Palembang, South Sumatra with the same airline”, said Commissioner Andi.

Japanese Woman Robbery Case Revealed Part III

According to Commissioner Andi, the suspect Fahruddin was chased by police based on the testimony of the victim Mika Hasegawa and witnesses. The joint team led by the Bali Police of Mobile Detective Unit Police Commissioner Adi Guna and the Head of Mobile Detective Unit Denpasar Police Station, Iptu Yudistira, together with the IT Team of the Bali Police of General Criminal Investigation, initially pursued the Mengwi Terminal, Mengwitani Village, Mengwi District, Badung. However, the joint team did not find the suspect.

The joint team then continued their pursuit to the west. Some of them did sweeping at the Selemadeg East Sector Police Station, Tabanan, some directly drove to Gilimanuk Port, Melaya District, Jembrana to intercept. “The team received information that the perpetrator headed for Jakarta. The team also coordinated with the Criminal Investigation Police Headquarters to back up. Finally, the suspect was caught at Soekarno Hatta Airport”, said Commissioner Andi.

Commissioner Andi said, the suspect Fahruddin was arrested a few moments after landing at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Wednesday morning at around 4:30 CIT or two days after the robbery. “At the moment, the joint team is still on its way to Jakarta to pick up the suspect at the National Police Headquarters. Luckily we moved quickly, so the suspect did not reach Palembang”, he said. For his action, the suspect Fahruddin was charged under Article 363 of the Criminal Code on Violent Theft, containing the threat of legal punishment maximum of 9 years in prison.

The robbery incident that struck Mika Hasegawa herself was first discovered by witness I Gede Yoga on Monday morning at 08.00 CIT. At that time, witness Gede Yoga heard a voice shouting ‘help’ from the south wall of the apartment.

Out of curiosity, witness Gede Yoga then looked for the source of the sound. The man who works daily as a guard at the Sun Residence Apartment in the west of the Liems House Apartment was shocked to see a woman lying in a limp condition on a bush of empty land. “At that time, she (the victim) only said ‘I was strangled’ “, said the man from Sanur, South Denpasar.

Witness Gede Yoga immediately reported this incident to the guard of Liems House Apartment, Hendra (31). After checking, it turned out that lying limp was Mika Hasegawa, a Japanese woman from Room 8 of Liems House Apartment.

After that, Hendra and witness Gede Yoga found out how the victim had been lying on an empty field. Finally, it was discovered that window number 8 on the second floor of the apartment where the victim was staying was open. The victim was allegedly thrown from a Second Floor window into an empty field. This incident was later reported to the South Denpasar Police Station. Meanwhile the victim Mika Hasegawa, who has passport number TK8822564, was rushed to Kuta BIMC Hospital.

Read also the chronology of this robbery case :

Part I

Part II


Japanese Woman Robbery Case Revealed Part III (The Final Part of This Case)

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2 Indians Distribute 3 Kg of Crystal Meth

2 Indians Distribute 3 Kg of Crystal Meth

2 Indians Distribute 3 Kg of Crystal Meth – The arrest of two Indian citizens who owned 3 kilograms of crystal meth, Manjeet Singh and Harvinder Singh, in Kejari Denpasar.

Denpasar Police arrested two suspected 3-kilogram dealers of methamphetamine from India, Manjet Singh (32), and Harvinder Singh (26), to Denpasar Denpasar, Tuesday (26/11).


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(Indonesian, English, Dutch, French spoken)

DENPASAR – Both were charged with multiple articles with the threat of capital punishment. Head of Denpasar Criminal Public Crimes Section, Eka Widanta said after the arrest, the two suspects from India were immediately sent to Class IIA Prison, Kerobokan, North Kuta, Badung to undergo detention.

“Suspects Manjeet Singh and Harvinder Singh will serve a detention period of 20 days”, said Eka who was met in his office.

“We have appointed prosecutors to handle this case. There are three prosecutors, Prosecutor I Made Lovi Pusnawan, I Kadek Wahyudi Ardika, I Gusti Lanang Suryadnyana”, Eka added. The two suspects were charged under Article 112 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph 1 of RI Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and Article 115 paragraph (2) and Article 132 paragraph 1 of RI Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. “The threat of capital punishment”, concluded Eka.

As is known, the two men from India were arrested by the Denpasar Police Narcotics Resort Unit together with the Bali Transnational Organized Crime (CTOC) Task Force in one of the hotels on Jalan Pratama, South Kuta, Badung, Tuesday (3/9) then around 10:30 CIT. From their hands they secured nearly 3 kilograms of crystal meth which was planned to be taken to Buleleng for distribution throughout Bali.


2 Indians Distribute 3 Kg of Crystal Meth

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The Japanese Woman Robbery Case Part II

The Japanese Woman Robbery Case Part II

The Japanese Woman Robbery Case Part II – Based on CCTV camera footage around the crime scene, the culprit is suspected a burly man.

The police have bagged the characteristics of the alleged perpetrator of the robbery against a Japanese woman, Mika Hasegawa (38), at the Liems House Apartment, Jalan Pura Mertasari IV No.9, Pemogan, South Denpasar District, Monday (11/25) then.


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(Indonesian, English, Dutch, French spoken)

DENPASAR – Based on CCTV camera footage around the crime scene location, the perpetrator is allegedly a burly man. The South Denpasar police chief, police commissioner Nyoman Wirajaya, said based on the examination of CCTV recordings, the burly man was allegedly very familiar around the scene. However, Commissioner Wirajaya was reluctant to mention in detail the characteristics of the perpetrator, before the case was revealed.

Read Also The Part I : Japanese Woman Becomes A Robbery Victim (Part I)

“Later. Do not yet be exposed to the problem of the characteristics of the perpetrator. What is clear, the person is muscular and very familiar around the scene”, said the police commissioner Wirajaya in a press statement on Tuesday (26/11).

Although said to be very familiar around the scene, the police commissioner Wirajaya was reluctant to mention the burly perpetrator was an insider from the apartment where the victim was staying. It’s just that, according to Commissioner Wirajaya, the alleged robbery incident that was also accompanied by throwing the victim’s body into an empty land on the south of the apartment, is very likely done by people around the scene. “The perpetrator did the action alone”, he said.

The Japanese Woman Robbery Case Part II

In order to uncover the robbery case which was accompanied by acts of torturing the victim, said the police commissioner Wirajaya, the police formed a special team consisting of South Denpasar Sector Police, Denpasar Resort Police, and Bali Regional Police. The special team is tasked with hunting down muscular perpetrator according to the characteristics recorded by CCTV.

Based on CCTV footage, said the police commissioner Wirajaya, the robbery took place when the victim Mika Hasegawa had just returned from taking her child to school on Monday morning before 8:00 CIT. The victim from Japan who lived in Room 8, Floor II of Liems House Apartment, had been trailed by the perpetrator on a motorcycle.

However, it is not known exactly from where the offender trailed the victim. Upon arrival at the scene, the perpetrator did not wait a long time to execute the victim. After persecuting the 38-year-old Japanese woman, burly perpetrator immediately left the scene.

“I cannot yet confirm whether this was a robbery or not, because the victim’s missing items are not yet known. If the robbery, it means there is a missing item. If it is not a robbery, I also cannot predict what is behind this incident yet”, said Police Commissioner Wirajaya.

The victim Mika Hasegawa herself was known to be living in the Liems House Apartment with a child who was still in school. The mother and child have lived there for almost 3.5 years. While the victim’s husband lives separately in his home country, Japan.

According to Commissioner Wirajaya, the police are still waiting for the victim’s husband to come from Japan to further explore his statement. So far, there is not much information that can be scooped up by the police from the victim. The problem is, the victim Mika Hasegawa is still being treated at Kuta BIMC Hospital, Badung.

Read Also The Part I : Japanese Woman Becomes A Robbery Victim (Part I)

“During this time, victim often goes back and forth to Japan. What’s the victim’s job in Bali, we don’t know. The status of relations with her husband in Japan, is also unknown. We are not digging up there. We focused on uncovering the case. This morning (on tuesday) I had a chance to visit the victim at BIMC Kuta Hospital. However, I can’t ask for a statement yet”, said the police commissioner Wirajaya.

The police commissioner Wirajaya said, the health condition of the victim Mika Hasegawa had improved. However, the victim looks traumatized. “Her eyes have started to focus, but still looks traumatized. The victim looks traumatized if she sees a muscular person. Even just looking at me, she was scared”, he explained.

The story of the doctor who handled him at the hospital, said Commissioner Wirajaya, the victim suffered a number of injuries and neck fractures. However, doctors are not sure what causes the injuries and fractures of the cervical vertebrae.

The Japanese Woman Robbery Case Part II

The alleged robbery incident that struck victim Mika Hasegawa, as reported, was first discovered by witness I Gede Yoga, Monday morning at 08.00 CIT. At that time, witness Gede Yoga heard a voice shouting ‘help’ from the south wall of the apartment.

Out of curiosity, witness Gede Yoga then looked for the source of the sound. The man who works daily as a guard at the Sun Residence Apartment in the west of the Liems House Apartment was shocked to see a woman lying in a limp condition in a bush of empty land. “At that time, she (the victim) only said ‘I was strangled’,” said the man from Sanur, South Denpasar.

Witness Gede Yoga immediately reported this incident to the guard of Liems House Apartment, Hendra (31). After checking, it turns out that lying limp is Mika Hasegawa, a Japanese woman from Room 8 of Liems House Apartment.

Next, Hendra and witness Gede Yoga found out how the victim had been lying on an empty field. Finally, it was discovered that window number 8 on the second floor of the apartment where the victim was staying was open. The victim was allegedly thrown from a Second Floor window into an empty field. This incident was later reported to the South Denpasar Police Station. Meanwhile the victim Mika Hasegawa, who has the passport number TK8822564, was rushed to Kuta BIMC Hospital.

Read Also The Part I : Japanese Woman Becomes A Robbery Victim (Part I)


The Japanese Woman Robbery Case Part II

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Haunted Hotel Will Be Transformed Into Luxury Hotel

Haunted Hotel Will Be Transformed Into Luxury Hotel

Haunted Hotel Will Be Transformed Into Luxury Hotel – Beside of having a plan to build an International Hospital, Tabanan Government also plans to transform it into a luxury hotel.

TABANAN – Beside of having a plan to build an International Hospital, Tabanan Regency Government also plans to transform the Bedugul Puncak Indah Hotel (PI), also known as the ‘Ghost Hotel’, into a luxury hotel called The Bedugul Sunrise. The construction of this hotel is one of the development of tourism satellites to support tourism objects that have been in the Bedugul area, Baturiti District, Tabanan. Which of course leads to an increase in Tabanan Regency’s Locally-Generated Revenue (PAD).


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Tourism in the Bedugul region has long been loved by tourists, both local and foreign. This made the private sector build a magnificent hotel called the Puncak Indah Hotel (PI) Bedugul. Unfortunately the project, which was almost completed, suddenly stalled and abandoned until now. Now the building is full of shrubs, untreated, and even tends to be haunted. Many people also call it as the Ghost Hotel Bedugul. “Seeing that, we feel there needs to do an innovation to revive the project activities, by looking at tourism conditions so that they can provide a new color because this location is a buffer for the main tourism objects in the Bedugul area”, said the Head of Development and Research Agency (Bapelitbang) of Tabanan Regency, Ida Bagus Wiratmaja, Tuesday (11/26).

Moreover, the land is very strategic because it is located at the top of Bedugul and holds a million potentials, so it must be utilized to its full potential. Starting from the stunning scenery from all directions, in the cold of Bedugul.

Haunted Hotel Will Be Transformed Into Luxury Hotel

The Haunted Hotel in Bedugul.

The concept planned by Tabanan Regency Government to be able to give a new color is the development of The Bedugul Sunrise. Later, the hotel that was built could be used as a location for tourists to stay pampered with a view of the sunrise from the beautiful peak area of ​​Bedugul. “So the plan is that the existing PI hotel building will be renovated or demolished, replaced by an international standard five-star hotel building with complete and elegant facilities”, he added.

The official, who is more familiarly called Gus Wirat, added that the Bedugul Sunrise development will be carried out in two stages, namely the preparation phase consisting of revision of the site plan, preparation of the Detailed Engineering Design (DED), demolition of old buildings and land clearing and processing. Then the implementation phase, where at this stage will be carried out construction of all physical work in the form of hotel buildings, villas, fitness centers and other hotel facilities. With an estimated cost needed to reach IDR 200 billion. “The Bedugul Sunrise is designed to replace the abandoned Bedugul PI Hotel, where the hotel rate is designed to range from IDR 5 million to IDR 10 million/night per room”, he explained.

With this plan, he also claimed that the Tabanan Regency Government had communicated with the original owner of the Bedugul PI Hotel, which was said to be a big businessman in the capital. “Yes, we are still communicating, then later we will offer this design to investors”, he concluded.


Haunted Hotel Will Be Transformed Into Luxury Hotel

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Indonesia’s Top Young Model 2019

Indonesia's Top Young Model 2019

Indonesia’s Top Young Model 2019 – Ni Komang Santani Ima Titib and I Kadek Alendra Arsiana.



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The siblings from Tabanan, I Kadek Alendra Arsiana (5), and Ni Komang Santani Ima Titib (4), were named as the best Indonesian female model and male model in the Top Model Indonesia 2019.

DENPASAR – National Grand Final for the election of female and male model, the photo of the best Top Model Indonesia was held at Fame Hotel, Legian, Kuta, Badung on Sunday (24/11). The son and daughter of a married couple Agus Nuni Andyan Alendra and Ni Made Ginanti did not expect to be the national best model.

Alendra and Santani when they were met in Tabanan on Monday (11/25) admitted, in the grand final, they met other young male and young female from other provinces in Indonesia. Before participating in the Indonesian Top Model Election, they both attended the debriefing for three months. On July 21st, 2019, Alendra and Santani were named as the best female and male model of Bali. Furthermore they become ambassadors in the same national level election event. Grand final Indonesia Top Model Election 2019 was held for three days on 23rd, 24th and 25th of November 2019. “We were again selected as the best young models and models”, said Alendra and Santani proudly.

Alendra admitted that he was interested in modeling since 6 months ago starting with the kindergarten ambassador of Kemala 3 Bhayangkari. When appointed by the school, he was willing and finally won the championship. Seeing Alendra interested in modeling, his parents then took him to learn modeling in the Dangin Carik area, Tabanan. Frequent contests to add experience. Despite failing to win, not give up trying. The younger sister, Santani, who often took her brother to join the competition, was also interested. When there is a competition, she was registered and won. Finally, the siblings learned modeling in the same place. “Thank god, kids are interested. They want to join the competition to find experience”, said their mother, Ginanti.

Indonesia’s Top Young Model 2019

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