Nyepi event Ogoh Ogoh treatened to by canceled

Nyepi event Ogoh Ogoh treatened to by canceled

Nyepi event Ogoh Ogoh on March 24 th 2020  yearly event before the Silent day could be cancelled  after Bali government decided to suspend all entertainment activities  .


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The restrictions regarding the outbreak of the Covid 19 virus could also have  an impact on the ogoh-ogoh parade on the upcoming Nyepi night on March 24 th 2020.

The Bali Governor, Wayan Koster, has not been able to confirm the cancelation  of  Ogoh-Ogoh and all other related Nyepi  activities.

On the other hand, Pinandita Drs I Ketut Pasek Swastika as the Deputy Chairperson of Religion  considering  the ogoh-ogoh parade as a cultural event and should not be canceled.

This is in accordance with the statement  of the Indonesian Minister of Health to have no events of gatherings  during the Corona virus lochdown.  It will be  discussed on Tuesday  17/03/2020 at 9 AM

Source : Nyepi event Ogoh Ogoh  https://radarbali.jawapos.com/


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